Monday, June 17, 2024

What Supplements Are Best For Bone and Joint Health?

Calcium: The Cornerstone of Bone Health Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. More than 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in the teeth and bones. 

It’s also required for other bodily functions such as releasing hormones and regulating the way muscles contract and dilate. If calcium intake is insufficient, the body will start taking it from the bones and teeth to fulfill other functions, ultimately weakening the bones.

The diet doesn’t always provide a sufficient intake. Supplements could be an option for those individuals who don’t consume enough foods rich in calcium.

Women lose bone mass after menopause because of a decline in estrogen. A number of studies have found that elderly and postmenopausal women supplementing calcium have a smaller loss in bone mineral density. This positive effect was stronger in individuals who had a low intake of dietary calcium and also for the first 2 years of supplementing

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